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IAESTE exchange platform

Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd, 02.08 - 26.08.2022.

IAESTE exchange platform

 Chemical Engineering Inter position at Institute IMS

Yeliz Oztekin

In the IAESTE exchange platform AC Offers database, student Yeliz Oztekin applied for the Chemical Engineering Inter position at Institute IMS. Yeliz Oztekin specialized in the Laboratory for Binder, Chemistry, and Mortars, which is part of the IMS Institute's Center for Materials. The subject of specialization was acquiring knowledge in the field of analytical chemistry for geological materials.

Yeliz Oztekin focused her specialization on two techniques for testing the chemical composition of geological materials: energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). An integral part of her training was also working on sample preparation techniques for both the mentioned techniques.

From 10.08. to 12.08. 2022. she worked with ICP-OES method preparation using microwave digestion, challenging the new ways of sample preparation for geological samples (historical mortars). There were four samples of historical mortar that were part of the project which her supervisor is a member. - our project MoDeCo2000, supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. On 15.08.2022. Yeliz Oztekin did more ICP-OES analyses of historical mortars.

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Web prezentacija projekta MoDeCo2000 izrađena je sredstvima Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije. Za sadržinu je isključivo odgovoran projekat MoDeCo2000 i ona ne izražava stavove Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije


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